View Full Version : The Police “Raid” on Michael Salman’s Home

08-07-2012, 04:33 PM
John Whitehead: Under the blazing Arizona sun stands an encampment of military tents filled with some 2,000 people. They battle the heat by positioning themselves in front of a few large fans, but they are of little use when temperatures … Continue reading → (http://www.policemisconduct.net/the-police-raid-michael-salmans-home/)
The Police “Raid” on Michael Salman’s Home (http://www.policemisconduct.net/the-police-raid-michael-salmans-home/) is a post from PoliceMisconduct.net (http://www.policemisconduct.net)

More... (http://www.policemisconduct.net/the-police-raid-michael-salmans-home/)

08-07-2012, 06:38 PM
This is just ridiculous! I am surprised the more Chrisitian lawyer types haven't jumped on this. This is just a crazy force of power. That man isn't a criminal for holding bible study.

08-08-2012, 12:09 PM
So much for the right to assemble, freedom of religion, and free speech.

08-08-2012, 06:44 PM
Wow, this is just a shame. Yes, its a jail, but how much more humiliation can you put someone through. Now its a crime to freely practice your religion. Salman should have never been charged and jailed for what is consider his right to freedom of religion and speech, this is ridiculous.

08-09-2012, 03:31 AM
20-45 people in one house...why? Up to 12 people I can understand, but weekly meetings that large are kind of off. That's how cults get started and those generally end badly. Remember the guys in the Nikes? Or Waco? Ever heard the phrase: "Don't drink the kool-aid"? I listened to audio from that event and what will always stick with me is the sound of children crying as they are forcefed poison. Screw "freedom" of religion.

08-09-2012, 03:52 AM
I don't think it' odd. Haven't you had family gatherings with that many people before? I doubt people think oh no we should only gather in groups of 5. This is especially true of those that aren't planning anything nefarious.