View Full Version : Sheriff Hits 19 Year-Old in Head With Gun, Fabricates Charges

09-06-2012, 08:53 PM
Video description: BRENTWOOD, MD. -*Fox 5 has obtained surveillance video of a February 3rd incident involving a Prince George’s County police officer that seems to dispute his story about why his gun discharged. A Cottage City 19-year-old spent nearly 4 months in jail after Corporal Donald Taylor claimed Ryan Dorm assaulted him and the gun [...]
Sheriff Hits 19 Year-Old in Head With Gun, Fabricates Charges (http://www.copblock.org/20538/cop-assaults-teen-lies-in-court/) is a post from Cop Block - Badges Don't Grant Extra Rights (http://www.copblock.org)

More... (http://www.copblock.org/20538/cop-assaults-teen-lies-in-court/)

09-06-2012, 11:34 PM
Good to see the truth came out about this. Can you imagine where we'd be right now as a country without surveillance video, camera phones, and the like? More police brutality incidents would go unpunished than they do now. And this issue wouldn't get as much attention as it does now in the media. Because who's gonna believe the word of anyone over a cop, without the video to back it up?