
Type: Posts; User: artifactsofmars

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  1. Poll: Under this administration, there is no way that...

    Under this administration, there is no way that they will get justice. I did some reading and apparently Fast and Furious is just a continuation of a Shrub era policy called Operation Gunrunner,...
  2. This is outrageous! The seems thing nothing that...

    This is outrageous! The seems thing nothing that they won't poke their noses into when it comes to our business.
    The next thing you know, they will be stopping people on the streets, wanting to...
  3. Well yes his father should have gotten him off...

    Well yes his father should have gotten him off the street if he could. Still, that does not excuse what these cops did in beating him to death. What is it with these LA cops that they seem to beat...
  4. I watched the video and this guy was quite...

    I watched the video and this guy was quite combative. He did not look at all cooperative and I am thinking that he was definitely provoking them on top of that.
    I am afraid that I have to side...
  5. Blocking access to a small town politician

    We had a big political fight years ago and we were at a town meeting, which turned rather raucous near the end of the meeting. It was pandemonium to say the least with people in gorilla masks and a...
  6. Replies

    What I am hoping here is that the cop just forgot...

    What I am hoping here is that the cop just forgot to put it in. It is the most likely scenario as someone already said. More than likely if you never got a summons that is what happened with it.
  7. Your cops are probably no worse than the cops in...

    Your cops are probably no worse than the cops in big cities like Chicago. I have seen the photos and videos on you-tube where teenagers get the tar beat out of them for no reason. This has been an...
  8. That's about what I figured. This thing that...

    That's about what I figured. This thing that frosts me is that if they cause an accident doing this, you get in trouble, not the cop. I would love to get some laws going on this type of thing and...
  9. Replies

    It did not say how he got caught. How do they...

    It did not say how he got caught. How do they know that he had sex with her unless he told somebody? It does not seem likely that he would. I am am little confused by this story to tell you the truth...
  10. This does not really surprise me. Puerto Rico...

    This does not really surprise me. Puerto Rico would be a banana republic if they were not a US commonwealth. It is a completely different culture over there but I have never thought of cutting them...
  11. Replies

    Cop with nasty attitude at mall

    When I worked at an area mall I witnessed by chance an incident between a cop and a black woman and her child. The cop and the black woman were going at it hot and heavy. I only remember hearing his...
  12. Cop shows with heavy weapons and accessories

    With every new cop show that comes out it seems like they get tougher and tougher. I mean look at Flashpoint. The cops are more heavily armed than an Imperial Storm Trooper on Star Wars. Does this...
  13. Cops turning on their lights then going through intersection

    This is another thing that I have personally witnessed. I will see a cop car, not on a run, turn their emergency lights on right before going through an intersection, then turn them off. I mean they...
  14. Replies

    It was the first i have ever seen of it. I was...

    It was the first i have ever seen of it. I was very concerned with the attitude that I heard. Low pay does not give one a license to be a jerk after all. If they get in an accident it is not usually...
  15. Replies

    Don't cuss out a cop

    I used to work at a local mall, Marketplace Mall to be exact. It was common to see shoplifting suspects being brought down from out in the mall for questioning. One night, and it was a classic cop...
  16. Replies

    I say good riddance! I know the cops went way...

    I say good riddance! I know the cops went way overboard but he also was guilty of lunging at them and fighting with them. I never had a huge amount of sympathy for him.
  17. Replies

    That's just too funny! I wonder who came up with...

    That's just too funny! I wonder who came up with that brilliant idea? I would love to give them a medal for creativity. If I was a cop, I would just grab the donut and eat it.:devilish:
  18. Replies

    Wasn't this at Berkeley or some California...

    Wasn't this at Berkeley or some California college campus? If memory serves me these were actually college campus security, not cops. I would have to look it up.
  19. Drones, are you for or against and why?

    What types of abuse can we expect from these aerial drones that the police are using all over the country now, spying on people? If you support these drones or oppose them let's see it here. I am...
  20. This cop is lucky to be alive. If this had been...

    This cop is lucky to be alive. If this had been an ordinary citizen I am sure these cops would have just shot and killed him. People seem to have just gone crazy of late!
  21. Replies

    This type of thing happens all the time. These...

    This type of thing happens all the time. These cops are on a humongous power trip. I had been picketing Hillary's coming here one day and had a run-in with both the Ontario county sheriff and state...
  22. Greetings from sunny Western New York

    I proud to be a member of these forums. Not all cops are bad of course. They have assisted me a number of times, but I hate it when they hassle lone motorists late at night for example.
    I have...
  23. Replies

    Cops drag racing

    This is a true story from many years ago. I was in Henrietta, New York and at an intersection when I witnessed two Monroe county sheriff's deputies drag racing their vehicles. This was late at night...
  24. I heard that Obama is trying to use his position...

    I heard that Obama is trying to use his position to interfere with this and stop the documents from being released. of course he is probably afraid that he will be booted from office. He's probably...
Results 1 to 24 of 24